I used to believe that if I was patient, if I just “waited for the right one,” things would align.
I realized waiting is not the same as preparing.
Waiting can actually be a trap.
Waiting strips you of your power causing you to settle for breadcrumbs when you can have the whole loaf.
Waiting delays the miracles and blessings you seek.
You’re left waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the blessing, waiting for your soulmate.
Waiting to be woken up to the fact that you can be at cause in your life should you choose to.
I used to think playing the waiting game was a sign of strength, like holding out was proof of my faith in the process.
In reality, it was fear from the pain of disappointment.
Waiting kept me in a cycle of “someday” instead of fully living my life now.
Staying in this passive state, I was signaling to the universe that I wasn’t ready to receive.
This passive state disconnects you from the vibration of creation.
The passive state of “waiting” mode, we’re not aligned with the energy of creation.
We’re holding back, not showing up for ourselves, not stepping into the powerful co-creator role that’s available to us.
The universe responds accordingly, it waits, too. It mirrors our hesitation, our passivity, and our doubt.
It wasn’t until I took radical responsibility that things started to shift.
I stopped thinking of myself as someone “waiting” for love and started embodying the energy I wanted to attract.
I gave myself permission to create my life with purpose and intention, instead of hoping it would “happen” to me.
If you’re ready to stop waiting, if you’re ready to step into the vibration of love, abundance, and fulfillment, take action.
Make one bold choice for yourself today that aligns with the life you truly desire.
This isn’t about calling in a partner; it’s about calling in the highest version of you.
Are you ready to move from waiting to creating?
P.S. Take that first step..
Grab my free e-book, "3 Steps on How to Attract Real Love,"