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Calm Challenge | Day 1
Try the Breath Bubble for 60 seconds.
A couple tips:
1. Relax your jaw.
2. Breathe in through your nose
like you are sipping air through a straw.
Your breath is your ally for a lifetime.
Befriend it, and peace will always
be accessible.
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You can find the Breathe Bubble in the Calm app.
Download Calm for free at:

Calm Challenge | Day 2
Listen to Calm Music for 1 minute.
A couple tips:
1. Bring your complete attention to the sound.
2. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to
the music.
Listen deeply to music, and it becomes a meditation.
You can find the rest of this music track in the Calm app. It’s called Harod y Maude and it’s composed by Lucho Ripley.
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Calm Challenge | Day 3
Try this 90 second meditation.
A couple tips:
1. Find a seat or lie down. Your choice.
2. Relax into your chair or feel the support of the ground beneath you.
Soothe your mind and soften tension in your body with the breath.
You can find this meditation in the Calm app. It’s called Take:90. Written and narrated by Tamara Levitt.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don’t miss a day!
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Calm Challenge | Day 4
Try this 2 minute concentration practice.
A couple tips:
1. Soften your jaw.
2. Invite a hint of smile to your lips.
Meditation is about being intentional with your attention.
You can find this meditation in the Calm app. It’s called Deep Concentration and is available as a 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minute meditation. Written and narrated by Tamara Levitt.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don’t miss a day!
Download Calm for free at:

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