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September Eclipses and Solar Storms

We are entering a period of two cosmic events of an unpredictable order - a LUNAR ECLIPSE and a Neptune eclipse from the Moon, which occur on the same day - September 17, 2024.

This means that the period of 3 days before/after are unpredictable for revealing hidden emotions, psyche and health challenges. The water element will become even more unpredictable. The cyclone in Central Europe is already experiencing the biggest floods in 15 years. This may not be its peak, but it may appear during eclipses or a day two after them.

Together with this, both eclipses participate in a tense rectangular triangle between the storming Sun, Jupiter, and the coincidence of Neptune and the Moon. This shows that there will be some fraud and deception on a political or social level, as well as fraudulent behavior by the ruling party. Jupiter is offering protection through our faith, good prayers and optimism. If you or others fall into a fear pattern, petition God to buoy your faith under the Law of Grace.

Both Light and dark are necessary for our learning and development. With only Light we'd be blind. With only dark we'd be blind.

Most powerful solar storms have been occurring this week. The Sun is the benevolent king of our solar system, and the source of great purification and new life. Even though the Sun can feel harsh, the inner Sun is beautiful and pure, as described by the ancient masters. More geomagnetic storms are continuing to bring bigger seismic and volcanic activity, and more revolutionary and fertile times.

The intense solar flares always bring revolutionary uprising and increased fertility so that more benevolent souls are born to contribute to the evolution of our planet. Fertility in all of nature increases.  Events on earth are intensifying, such as lack of peace, social unrest, changes in the social system and revolution, which are all necessary for our further awakening and evolution.

Be more careful when solar flares are high because this intensity can feel harsh.  Gold prices have risen, as I predicted earlier this year.

Beware of scandals.  Do your daily spiritual work. Stay extra hydrated with plenty of clean water and clean electrolytes. Take extra care of the blood to keep it purified. Do your inner work to purify your bloodline and legacy. Sleep may not come as easily, so take charge of your health with pure knowledge, tools, discernment and discipline. Thank the Sun for bringing good changes. Nothing is in vain.

EMBODIED PRIESTESS begins October 4. 12 women, 12 weeks Sisterhood for advancement in all areas of life, through the secret mysteries and the way of the shamanic astrologer, keeping the channel between Heaven and Earth healthy, clear and robust so that you leave behind the burn-out and expand through your Soft Girl Era on the path of pleasure and in all of life, relationships, health, wealth. Message me privately for the details.

There's a FLASH SALE now on the Birthrights Activation Intensive. You can click here to learn more and book.

And God knows better... Be joyful!

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