Mars is now in his detriment in the nebula of Cancer, until June 6 due to his incoming retrograde cycle.
Mars is fallen in Cancer and can influence our impulses and war both within and in the world due to emotional volatility. Be more careful with communication, business and transportation.
Real estate prices can go down during this time, especially during Mars' retrograde December 8 - February 24.
The Moon rules Cancer, mediumship, clairvoyance, healing homes, properties and families, ancestral healing, enhancing intuition, learning spiritual practices and nourishment. This is our remedy during this time. Be sure you're praying good prayers over these areas, as sensitivities can be more prominent.
This is a less productive time for men and business in general, and the pursuant masculine energy of men isn't as available as it's going through reconstruction. With Venus also in detriment in Scorpio, which began early October, this a less productive time for love relationships, not good timing for beginning new love commitments, and communication in love and creativity can be more destructive so that we can notice the problems and make necessary transformations.
December 8 Mars stations retrograde on the belly of the cloudy Crab Nebula, at 12 degrees Cancer. This is the space in the sky that is mysterious, unpredictable, contradictory, evil, vague, hidden, and nebulous. Hidden secrets of the unconscious that are destructive can come up so that we can heal and make changes.
January 1 - January 17 the acronychal rise of Mars as he transitions from his morning phase of Hephaistos into his evening phase as Aries, can influence more anger and impulsiveness. There can be escalation of wars especially in the sea and on the waters.
Jan 19 Gemini - April 5 Mars backs up into Gemini for a wide square with Uranus, making our communications more impulsive and unpredictable. This is also a time to possibly need to shelter in place due to the impulsive changes happening in the world, for homes, families and in matters of food and nourishment.
February 24 Mars stations direct conjunct the fixed star Sirius to bless a new cycle with motivation of beginnings of Higher Spiritual Leadership.
April 5 - June 6 Mars finishes moving through Cancer in forward motion so that we can set right what may have been more destructive during his retrograde.
January 30 when Mars appeared visible out from under the rays of the Sun the picture on the sky showed us the whole of his cycle, just like when you were born, the entire picture of the sky showed the passport you were given for this lifetime.
When I observed his visibility in Sagittarius at my Texas latitude he appeared in his morning phase as the constructive Hephaistos with Athena and Apollo. This began a new 2 years Mars cycle influencing more passion and creative action, will and drive. Referring back to the Sky Map of the birth of Mars into firey Sagittarius we know we need to continue to be more careful of over exerting ourselves and causing burn-out. We can feel conflicted in matters of pure expression and communication if we don't pause, rest and make sure we are honoring and protecting our purification processes and maintaining our health. This entire Mars cycle can be busy with travel, immigration, exploration and gaining higher knowledge.
Pray for protection upon waking, sleeping and before going out into the world. It's important to call in more faith with the harmonious aspect from Jupiter. Be more attentive with travel and don't go into risky situations if you're ruled by Mars or the Moon.
During this time we can benefit by directing the martian impulses to motivate us with emphasizing making changes in the home, family, comfort, nourishment, mother, motherhood and property. We can benefit by giving attention and love to our mothers, accepting our family for who they are rather than trying to change them, and by working in or on the home, through ancestral healing, property and real estate transformation.
...And God knows better.
A Warrior's Prayer to continue stating aloud during this cycle:
The enemy shall never grip me.
I shall not be overcome.
I am led and protected by the greatest of all Spirit Warriors who leads Love's army.
My steps in the world are fierce with compassion and Love in action.
I waiver not, for I am a conqueror over darkness, Spirit born, and empowered by the Sacred.
I embody the truth for which I fight.
I am defended, uplifted and renewed.
My hands are ever open to the replenishing power of Grace.
God delivers all necessary Might.
Divine Love's prophecy is read, spoken, enacted in all realms.
If Love has not yet won, then the battle is not yet over.
And so I rise!
When aligned with the Soul Blueprint given to you at birth, you successfully manifest your boldest desires quickly, no matter what is happening in the cosmos and in the world. You overcome the challenges eloquently and rise up to live your Vision. I have seen this proven over and over again with all of my clients and all who use the Sacred Science of Babylonian Astrology in its pure form. I have a FLASH SALE now on both the Birthrights Activation Intensive and the Venus Activation.
Much Joy,
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